Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Your Future

Since all of us our teen girls, I'm sure all of us can say that we have dreamed about our future. I can definitely say I have. The question Who will I marry? Will I even get married? What will I be doing in 10 years? are constantly going through my head. The other day I was thinking about this subject, wondering who I was going to marry, if I was going to marry anyone. Then I thought to myself, why should I worry about this anyways? I can't change my future now and worrying about it won't changed anything. I mean seriously when you think about it, us worrying about our future won't do anything to help us in our future. If we were meant to stay single our entire lives, well worrying about it now when you are 13, 14, 15, or however old you are isn't going to change the future. The only thing that we can do is trust in Jesus. He holds the key to our future. All we need to do is trust in Him and He will lead us to our next place. I have decided to not worry about my future anymore. It feels so good to let Jesus take control of my life.



  1. That's so true. I've often wondered that myself, but you're right--whatever happens, we can't change it, so why worry? God's in control. :)

    1. Yes, He is! :) It's so nice to know that He will take care of anything in our lives. :)

  2. Lately I've been stressing about my future kinda a lot... Thanks so much for this post, and your right. I'm just gonna trust in God for my life's direction.

    :D Mel

    1. I'm so glad that this could help you! Trusting in God is the best thing to do!

  3. Loved this! I always am worrying about my future and this really helped =D

  4. Loved this post Hadassah! Thanks so much for sharing. I really needed to hear this!


  5. This is so true, just don't stress about it!! I have a friend who basically has her whole wedding planned now, while she's in high school, and I'm like, why do you want to obsess over napkin colors NOW? Save that for ten years from now, or whenever you get married. :)

    1. haha yeah. I don't think its wrong to think about your wedding, but when you obsess about it, I think it gets a little too much.

  6. YES... I just think that the best thing to do is prepare for anything that might come your way. If you think you have a talent, nurture it and God might just use that! :D


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